About SKILLS Training
My Story.
My Mission.
1 Dribble Pull-Up Basketball Skills Training and Development was developed with the intent and vision that every athlete that steps on the court has the tools they need to contribute to success.
I created this platform as my opportunity to regift the knowledge gained over the years playing basketball. This game translates so much to real life that I’ve been able to use things I’ve learned inside the lines and apply them outside, and vice versa. With this program, it is my mission to teach skills that will allow athletes to progress at their own pace as their skills develop. The most important thing is confidence in yourself and confidence in your ability. Using progressive techniques, drills, and instruction, our athletes will become their own version of an elite basketball player.
I’ve been playing baseketball my whole life and have been blessed to be on the same court with players from all league levels and skill levels. What I have found is that basketball is the same and the main difference is the speed of the game and the skill of the players. I believe young players, with this knowledge in hand, will understand that if they develop their skills, they can play with anyone on any level and have success.
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Ball Handling
Aliquam malesuada massa ipsum, a iaculis ante mollis non diam a turpis ullamcorper.
Aliquam malesuada massa ipsum, a iaculis ante mollis non diam a turpis ullamcorper.
Who Is
Mr. 1 Dribble Pull-Up?
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Mr. 1 Dribble Pull-Up
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Basketball Skills Training
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